Sadar Hospital, Sherpur

Facility Identification

Division: Dhaka

District: Sherpur

District Code: 89

Facility Type: Government Hospital

Type of Hospital: Mixed Hospital

Category: Primary Level Hospital

Patient Information

All kinds of patients come here for the treatment of their eyes.

Average number of patients per day: 30

Patient number in last year: more or less 1000

Payment Provided by: Government

Equipments and Instruments

The facility has rec.ord form, referral form, desktop computer.

Sl No Equipments Available Functioning Total Number
Available and observed Available but not observed Not Available Yes No Don’t Know
A Ophthalmic equipments
a Slit Lamp Yes Yes
b Schiotz Tonometer Yes Yes
c Direct Opthalmoscope Yes
d 90D/70D Lens Yes
e Color Vision Plates Yes
f Occluder Yes
B. Refraction Equipments
a Streak Retinoscopy Yes Yes
b Snellen vision chart Yes Yes
c Near vision chart Yes Yes
d Trial set with frame Yes
e Mirror used in Refractive cubicle Yes
f Torchlight Yes Yes
C Medical apparatus
a Stethoscope Yes Yes
b BP machine Yes Yes
c Glucometer Yes Yes
d First Aid Box Yes Yes
e Single Drum Surgical Autoclave Yes